Investment Property Accountants in Melbourne

Negative gearing made easy, understandable and tax effective

Creating wealth through purchasing an investment property is a well-established practice in this country, and a property accountant with Melbourne’s ND Partners can help you achieve your financial goals.

By definition, ‘negative gearing’ is where you borrow to acquire the property and the interest expense exceeds the rental income you receive from the tenants. The obvious attraction of borrowing or gearing to invest is that you can purchase a property that might otherwise have been unaffordable and the strategy can also be tax effective because individuals can offset the loss against other assessable income. A property investment accountant can guide you through the negative gearing process, making it a prudent and effective taxation strategy.   

For further information about negative gearing speak to a property tax accountant in Melbourne at ND Partners. Contact us online to receive a Negative Gearing eBook