Online Tax Submission

In order for us to complete your tax return can you please answer the following questions:

What is your full name, address, date of birth, email address and contact phone number

What is your job title?

Did you have any interest received from any bank accounts?

Did you receive any dividends from any shares?

Do you use the car for work related purposes (not including travel to and from work)? If so how many kilometres did you travel for the financial year for work related purposes? Any travel to and from home should not be included.

Did you incur any travel expenses such as airfares, taxicab, accommodation for work related purposes? If so please list out the amounts paid

Did you have a uniform for work (work specific clothing or items with a logo)? How much did it cost?

Was there any courses, seminars or conferences that you had to pay for that is work related? If so how much?

Did you use your mobile phone for work? If yes, what is your monthly payment and what percentage was for work?

Did you ever bring work home? Home many hours per week on average?

Did you buy any computer supplies / equipment / tools or stationery that was work related? Please provide the date bought and amounts for each.

Did you pay for any subscriptions / memberships / registrations / association / Union fees that were work related? Please provide the amounts for each one.

Do you use the internet at home for work related purposes? How much is internet per month and what percentage is used for work?

Did you make any donations? Please provide the total amount.

How much were your accountants charges for last year?

Did you have income protection insurance? How much was it?

Please provide private health insurance details such as membership number, provider, number of days covered and type of insurance covered (eg. Hospital cover)

Did you have medical expenses totaling more than $2000 for the financial year. If yes please provide the amounts and what they were for.

Please upload your Payment Summary (provided by your employer).

If there is any additional information that you need to advise us of that is not included in the above questionnaire please call our office so that we can discuss and give you a
quote for completing your tax return.